Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Contacts: Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) Program Fatal injury data (fw): Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) Data Dissemination: National data are published in December of the year following the reference year in a news release. State-specific data on fatal workplace injuries may be requested from the State agencies participating with BLS in the census. Researchers may apply to BLS for access to the CFOI research file. Contact: Staff members of the Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions are available Monday through Friday for your assistance. TEL: 202-691-6170 FAX: 202-691-7862 or 202-691-6196 E-MAIL: Written inquiries should be directed to U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions Postal Square Building - Room 3180 2 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, D.C. 20212 Summary data (ii) (is): Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses--Annual Summary (SOII) Data Dissemination: National data are published in November of the year following the reference year in a news release. More detailed data may be available online and via request. State-specific data on workplace injuries and illnesses may be requested from the State agencies participating with BLS in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Contact: Staff members of the Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions are available Monday through Friday for your assistance. TEL: 202-691-6170 FAX: 202-691-7862 or 202-691-6196 E-MAIL: Written inquiries should be directed to U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions Postal Square Building - Suite 3180 2 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, D.C. 20212 Case and demographic data (cs) (cb): Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses--Case and Demographics (SOII-C&D) Data Dissemination: National data for cb are published biennially and typically in November of the year following the second year of the biennial reference period. National data for cs were published annually from 2011-2020. More detailed data may be available online and via request. State-specific data on workplace injuries and illnesses may be requested from the State agencies participating with BLS in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Contact: Staff members of the Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions are available Monday through Friday for your assistance. TEL: 202-691-6170 FAX: 202-691-7862 or 202-691-6196 E-MAIL: Written inquiries should be directed to U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Safety, Health and Working Conditions Postal Square Building - Suite 3180 2 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, D.C. 20212 ******************************************************************************