CENSUS OF FATAL OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES (FA) fa.txt Section Listing 1. Survey Definition 2. FTP files listed in the survey directory. 3. Time series, series file, data file, & mapping file definitions and relationships 4. Series file format and field definitions 5. Data file format and field definitions 6. Mapping file formats and field definitions 7. Data Element Dictionary ================================================================================ Section 1 ================================================================================ The following is a definition of: CENSUS OF FATAL OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES (FA) Survey Description: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) produces comprehensive, accurate, and timely counts of fatal work injuries. CFOI is a Federal-State cooperative program that has been active in all 50 States and the District of Columbia since 1992. To compile counts that are as complete as possible, CFOI uses multiple sources to identify, verify, and profile fatal worker injuries. Information about each workplace fatal injury is obtained by cross referencing the source records, such as death certificates, workers' compensation reports, and Federal and State agency administrative reports. To ensure that fatal injuries are work-related, cases are substantiated with two or more independent source documents, or a source document and a follow-up questionnaire. CFOI publishes detailed data on case characteristics such as the event or exposure leading to the fatal injury, the source of the fatal injury, and worker activity at the time of the incident. Event or exposure, source, and other case characteristic codes are currently based on the BLS Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (OIICS) 3.02, which can be viewed at our Web site at https://www.bls.gov/iif/definitions/occupational-injuries-and-illnesses-classification-manual.htm. BLS also tabulates the number of fatal occupational injuries by demographic attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnic origin, and occupation. Occupation classifications are currently based on the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification [SOC] system. These tabulations are also available by major industry sectors or by detailed industry. Industry classifications are currently based on the 2022 North American Industrial Classification System [NAICS]. Frequency of observations: All data are annual. Data characteristics: All figures are actual numbers of fatal injuries. Updating schedule: Updates to the data become available approximately 12 months following the close of the reference year. ================================================================================ Section 2 ================================================================================ The following CENSUS OF FATAL OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES files are on the BLS internet in the sub-directory pub/time.series/fa: fa.area - Area codes mapping file fa.case - Case codes mapping file fa.category - Category codes mapping file fa.category2 - Category codes mapping file fa.contacts - Contacts for CFOI fa.data.0.Current - All current year-to-date data fa.data.1.AllData - All data fa.datatype - Data type codes mapping file fa.event - Event codes mapping file fa.footnote - Footnote codes mapping file fa.industry - Industry codes mapping file fa.occupation - Occupation codes mapping file fa.series - All series with beginning and end dates fa.source - Source codes mapping file fa.txt - General information ================================================================================ Section 3 ================================================================================ The definition of a time series, its relationship to and the interrelationship among series, data and mapping files is detailed below: A time series refers to a set of data observed over an extended period of time over consistent time intervals (e.g. monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually). BLS time series data are typically produced at monthly intervals and represent data ranging from a specific consumer item in a specific geographical area whose price is gathered monthly to a category of worker in a specific industry whose employment rate is being recorded monthly, etc. The FTP files are organized such that data users are provided with the following set of files to use in their efforts to interpret data files: a) a series file (only one series file per survey) b) mapping files c) data files The series file contains a set of codes which, together, compose a series identification code that serves to uniquely identify a single time series. Additionally, the series file also contains the following series-level information: a) the period and year corresponding to the first data observation b) the period and year corresponding to the most recent data observation. The mapping files are definition files that contain explanatory text descriptions that correspond to each of the various codes contained within each series identification code. The data file contains one line of data for each observation period pertaining to a specific time series. Each line contains a reference to the following: a) a series identification code b) year in which data is observed c) period for which data is observed (A01 annual) d) value e) footnote code (if available) ================================================================================ Section 4 ================================================================================ File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define fa.series. Note that the Field Numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Data files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 17 FAU00X00000080N00 2. category_code* 3 00X 3. datatype_code* 1 8 4. case_code* 1 0 5. industry_code* 6 000000 6. event_code* 6 0000XX 7. source_code* 6 0000XX 8. occupation_code* 6 000000 9. area_code* 3 N00 10. begin_year 4 2023 11. begin_period 3 A01 12. end_year 4 2023 13. end_period 3 A01 *Note fields/data elements denoted with an * indicate parts of the series id that are also broken out separately in the fa.series file. A more detailed breakdown of the series id is described below. The series_id (FAU00X00000080N00) can be broken out into: Code Value survey abbreviation = FA seasonal(code) = U category_code = 00X Detailed category codes (choose one) industry_code* = 000000 event_code* = 0000XX source_code* = 0000XX occupation_code* = 000000 datatype_code = 8 case_code = 0 area_code = N00 *Please note that there are four possible detailed category codes (industry, event, source, and occupation) that make up the 6 character length in the 7-12 positions of the series_id. Any of the four can be selected, but only one at any given time. ================================================================================ Section 5 ================================================================================ File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each data file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Data files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. The fa.data file is partitioned into two separate files: 1. fa.data.0.Current - All current year-to-date data 2. fa.data.1.AllData - All data Both of the above data files have the following format: Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 17 FAU00X00000080N00 2. year 4 2023 3. period 3 A01 4. value 12 4609 5. footnote_codes 10 It varies The series_id (FAU00X00000080N00) can be broken out into: Code Value survey abbreviation = FA seasonal(code) = U category_code = 00X Detailed category codes (choose one) industry_code* = 000000 event_code* = 0000XX source_code* = 0000XX occupation_code* = 000000 datatype_code = 8 case_code = 0 area_code = N00 *Please note that there are four possible detailed category codes (industry, event, source, and occupation) that make up the 6 character length in the 7-12 positions of the series_id. Any of the four can be selected, but only one at any given time. ================================================================================ Section 6 ================================================================================ File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each mapping file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Mapping files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. File Name: fa.area Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. area_code 3 N00 2. area_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.case Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. case_code 1 9 2. case_text 100 Text File Name: fa.category Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. case_code 1 9 2. category_code 3 00X 3. category_text 100 Text 4. display_level 2 0 5. selectable 1 T 6. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.category2 Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. category_code 3 00X 2. category_text 100 Text File Name: fa.datatype Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. datatype_code 1 8 2. datatype_text 100 Text File Name: fa.event Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. event_code 6 0000XX 2. event_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.industry Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. industry_code 6 000000 2. industry_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.occupation Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. occupation_code 6 000000 2. occupation_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.source Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. source_code 6 0000XX 2. source_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 00001 File Name: fa.footnote Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. footnote_code 1 P 2. footnote_text 100 Text ================================================================================ Section 7 ================================================================================ CENSUS OF FATAL OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES (FA) DATABASE ELEMENTS Data Element Length Value(Example) Description area_code 3 N00 Unique code used to identify a specific geographic region. area_text 100 Text Describes the specific geographic region. begin_year 4 2023 Identifies first year for which data are available. begin_period 3 A01 Identifies first data observation within the first year for which data are available. category_code 2 00X The code identifies the category of the observation. category_text 100 Text Describes the category of the observation. case_code 1 S The code identifies the type of case for which data are available. case_text 100 Text Describes case for which data are available. datatype_code 1 8 Code identifying the datatype of the observation. datatype_text 100 Text Describes the datatype of the observation. end_year 4 2023 Identifies last year for which data are available. end_period 3 A01 Identifies last data observation within the first year for which data are available. event_code 6 0000XX Names the event which resulted in the reported injury. event_text 100 Text Describes the event which resulted in the reported injury. footnote_code 1 P Identifies footnote for the data series. footnote_codes 10 It varies Identifies footnotes for the data series. footnote_text 100 Text Contains the text of the footnote. industry_code 6 000000 The code identifies the industry for which data are observed. industry_text 100 Text Describes the industry for which data are observed. occupation_code 6 000000 The code identifies the occupation of the person experiencing the injury. occupation_text 100 Text Describes the occupation of the person experiencing the injury. series_id 17 FAU00X80000000N00 Code identifying the specific series. source_code 6 0000XX The code identifies the source of injury. source_text 100 Text Describes the source of injury. value 12 Variable Data value for series. year 4 2023 Identifies year of observation.